Wednesday 17 June 2009

Oh dear...

So I'm not really keeping up with this as the name would suggest. It's quite misleading really.
But that's okay because I have been revising and generally doing nothing.

Monday was quite mental again! Hurrah! I went to Waitrose to look at their selection of spirits in preparation for Waxham camping and Latitude and ended up just buying a bottle of Jaques fruit cider. (The red one). When I was getting served, I could just tell that the woman was just waiting to say the fatal words 'do you have any ID?'. She didn't just say it like any normal person either. I mean, you could tell she took real pleasure out of saying it. It sound a bit more like this: (hysterically happy voice) 'Sooooo, have we got any ID then? AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!' I was quite shocked to be honest, and it took me a while to get through the shock and get my ID out. I think she was then pretty upset she had actually asked for it because then she had to actually look at it and check that I was born over 18 years ago... and it obviously was quite a hard thing for her to do because at one point she was very close to saying I wasn't 18.

In my experience of buying alcohol in the one month since my 18th, not one person has been able to serve me without saying 'Oooooohhhhhh, only just' with a smug smile on their faces, as if to say 'I've been able to buy alcohol for a much longer time than you'. No offense, but I don't actually need to be told I'm only just 18, I experienced it first hand.

On Tuesday, I had to get the 9.00 bus home from Toby's to make sure I was home in time for a revision day with some friends. It was the craziest, most eventful bus journey I have ever experienced, especially considering I was coming back from Garboldisham. For about twenty minutes it was as quiet as usual. But then mothers with their babies started getting on. Now, the bus has capacity to handle two prams and no more. I counted nine. NINE! Nine different people get on, all with push chairs. It was getting ridiculous, especially when one lady got on with her pram, saw there was no where for it to go and just left it next to the bus driver. As soon as the bus started moving again, the pram fell over. (The baby wasn't in it at the time) I could just tell that everyone had a massive urge to tell her to go and fold it up and put it in the luggage rack but no one quite had the guts. Then her kid started screaming its lungs out and for the one minute she took her eyes off her baby to talk to the person next to her I saw the baby gag about six times before it quite nicely threw up all over his mum. It was quite amusing in a really horrible, mean way.
The baby situation on the bus is acceptable and may not have been so crazy if on the same bus journey a stray dog hadn't walked on and sat on a seat. Yup, a dog, which no one owned simply walked on and sat on a seat like he wanted to get out of Ixworth and run away to Bury.

Haha, I just imagined the look on some people's faces if they read this post. Someone who lives in the centre of London or Essex would just be reading this like... 'That's nuffin luv I punched someone on the bus today after doin' five lines of coke.' (I love stereotypes!)

Well, it was quite eventful and shocking seeing as I'm usually the only one on the bus all the way to Bury.

Saturday 13 June 2009


Me and Toby went on a bike ride yesterday. I decided that because I had had exams all week, I was going to have a day off. There's always an excuse! It was nice and sunny yesterday and gave me a chance to wear my new sandals from Fat Fat properly. We wern't sure where we were, but we managed to find a river bank track thing covered over with trees and yummyness, which made pretty snatches of light on the floor everwhere where the sun could get it.

Thursday 11 June 2009

Ho hum...

I love giraffes! As you can tell, this is not my picture, is this some sort of copyright bad stuff? Oh well, bring on the law suit!

Exams have got a bit on top of me this week. It has made me feel a mix of emotions including stress, anger, tiredness, happiness, sick.

But anyway, I got the worst over and done with today. PLUS, I didn't end up being at school till six like I thought, which made me happy. It was still three hours long though and the questions were about something we hadn't been taught... I love our media teachers so so much. (Not)

So, dissapointingly I haven't taken any pictures. I'm feeling a huge lack of inspiration anyway.

Tomorrow I have vowed to relax and not even look at my pile of revision, which has now gone down by dramatic amounts! Throwing it in the bin was the very very final end of Media Studies forever. Wow, it feels good.

Haha, I just found a picture from Toby's birthday last year which I will post because it is quite amusing.

Monday 8 June 2009

Mental Mondays

Today as I walked into town with Toby, we saw some very crazy looking people.
One lady, just as we were walking past the crossing near the college started shouting 'EXCUSE ME! EXCUSE ME! I'm in a hurry, ever so sorry!'. The way she shouted excuse me at us made me think she has a genuine emergency or she was going to ask us to phone an ambulance or something. However, she just wanted to get past us. It wasn't even like we were taking up the whole pavement, there was only two of us and we aren't fat! We watched her walk up the road for a bit and forgot about it until we walked passed her, now standing still on the pavement. Fair enough, maybe she was in a rush to get to that point.... until she started shouting at us to get out of the way again! That's not the end either! When she was crossing at the traffic lights, there were cars going past, as you would expect and she was getting really angry at them and waving her arms about in a fashion which reminded me of a very energetic dance troop or something.

Then as we were walking up to boots, behind the back of the Woolworths building (which by the way they were digging up the floor of) we saw one lady who was shouting down the phone about flowers, one man who was walking along carrying his backpack like a baby with a look of death in his eyes, then I turned around and saw the craziest of them all! Toby.

I then decided it would be a fun idea to join in on all the mentalness by standing on someone in Boots and laughing very loudly at something not even remotely funny in a very quiet book shop. (Everyone looked) But to be honest, none of that was much out of the ordinary for me.

Unfortunately, no pictures as of yet, but don't worry! I still have to go to Body Balance later so you never know :)

Friday 5 June 2009

5th June

Today I did some hard core revision and it has resulted in me being very tired and my eyes are very fuzzy while I type. Although, that might have something to do with not wearing my glasses... bring on the computer screen induced headache! Can you still call it revision if you are basically teaching yourself the whole media course? Hmm. It's quite bad how rubbish media teachers are! None of my friends from any school is happy about their media knowledge.

I'm supposed to be going out tonight but my bank balance and my brain cannot take it, I'm afraid.

I did go out today for about an hour to sit in a field with Toby - how romantic! Ha. It's his last day at college today, and it's going to be weird not walking to the college three times a week anymore - I have been doing it for two years. Oh well... gap year here we come!

Thursday 4 June 2009

Drag Me To Hell - SPOILERS

Well, I promised cinema reviews whenever I go so here it goes...

On the poster outsied Cineworld it says 'The scariest film this century' (or something similar). Let's just say, this wasn't what I would call scary. Amusing? Yes. There are bits that make you jump which is always follwed by the whole cinema erupting into fits of giggles at how silly they were for being scared by a fly or something else tiny and not at all scary. However, that was not the only type of laughing heard during the film.
It started off okay - the usual you would expect from a film that wants to scare you. Young, pretty, blonde girl living by herself, obviously VERY vulnerable. She wants a promotion in her job so does something very out of the ordinary and denies a very old, disgusting looking lady an extension on her loan. The old lady gets angry and says 'You shamed me' about fifty times and then, after attacking the young, pretty, blonde is escorted out of the building. All very scary, horror filmy.

THEN, when she is walking to get in her car and go home at the end of that day, somehow the old lady is in the backseat of her car, which was probably one of the first moments you start to think 'Is this supposed to be a comedy?'. The old lady is quite strong for her age and manages to beat young, blonde (I can't remember her name) up pretty well, until she steals her button! Wow, this was a tense moment.

So, the films goes on, blonde is cursed by a very evil spirit and is taunted for three days non-stop until finally on the third day she is supposed to be dragged to hell. Woohoo. So, as you may have guessed, she tries to stop the curse and ends up indirectly killing the best medium she would ever have a hope of helping her. (This includes some VERY funny moments including a goat and some people who fly around with an evil voice.) Finally, after finding out that she may be able to give her accursed button away and pass the curse on to a dead person (the old lady who cursed her), a bit of grave digging and choking on handkercheifs, she decides to go on holiday with her boyfriend, only to find out she gave the old lady the wrong thing, and is dragged to hell underneath a train track.

Overall... If you're looking for a film that will really scare you, this is not the one for you. I suggest staying at home and renting The Orphanage (spanish, same director as pans labyrinth) or What Lies Beneath. However, if you are looking for a film for a fun evening out and a few moments where you will jump, go for it!

I enjoyed it, it was fun. But that's as far as it goes.

Tuesday 2 June 2009


Today was full of revsion. And this....

This counts as revision, right?

Monday 1 June 2009

Happy June!

So, what's happening in the world of Bury St Edmunds today? Not much. Today I vowed to get some revision done as my first exam is on Wednesday. Hm... no such luck. I have been reading Postcards by Annie Proulx in the sun getting a bit of a tan. And yes, it is one of the books I am studying for English so that counts right? I think I might be a tiny bit burnt...

It always seems like the sun comes out around exam time which isn't even a little bit fair.

Oh well, for lunch I did have a broccoli, cauliflower, carrot and potato pie. Yum yum.

This is what my garden looks like today...