Sunday 31 May 2009


During this weekend I have found it hard to make time to take any photos. I go to work both days on a weekend and its very tiring so I generally just come home knackered and with a headache and cannot cope with doing anything apart from lying on the sofa eating ice cream and chocolate. Today however, I put together all my strength to find time to take some pictures (rubbish ones) and I was going to put them on here but the silly computer doesn't want to read my memory card.

Anywhoo... I will just proceed to tell you all about my weekend at work. I work at the new FatFace store in Bury St Edmunds. Lots of things have been changing in Bury in the last couple of years, the main things to note are the cinema, the Arc and Asda. I am finding it hard to decide whether I like the shopping centre more than the cinema (asda isn't involved in this decision). I like the cinema because it's a great evening out on a very fun unlimited card. Yay! However, Bury really did need the shopping centre, much to the old folks dislike. I don't like the name, should have been called something traditional like 'St Edmunds Square' or something just to keep the opposers (is that a word?) on our side. But blah, it's only a name! But I really do think they should have kept with the plans to open up the big walkway between the centre and the actual town centre, because there really are some lovely independent shops in the town.
And I would be biased because the shopping centre got me out of a job I very much disliked and had been slaving away at for two years. (And the discount on clothes is good too!) Find out all about the consturction here

Today at work something amusing happened. I was in the middle of serving a nice lady when some 14 year old looking chav boy walked in a interrupted with 'Hav ya got any jobs goin?'. I had to stop myself from laughing in his face, I really did. First of all, he didn't look at all like he would ever buy anything in the shop let alone work there. Secondly, his next actions proved his immaturity. We had a board in the shop with a chalk pen so people can write ways that they like 'to get out there' and he proceeded to draw a charming picture of a willy with the words 'suck it' next to it. His insane laughter made it an even funnier image. We all had a good laugh when he left.

I hope my amusing (?) anecdotes make up for the lack of a picture, not that anyone in the world reads this blog... I wonder how to make it more popular.

Good night.

Friday 29 May 2009

The Suffolk Show, 28th May

This post is actually for yesterday because I was way too tired to do it last night. Two whole days of excitment is way to much for me!

We woke up about seven and left the house about half eight. The journey was accompanied by the soundtrack to Avenue Q, which was pretty funny even if my parents didn't think so. There was a bit of traffic which I don't think I would be very happy about driving in, especially round the two lane roundabout with all cars ending up at the same place, it was confusing. We had to drive in places you're not normally allowed to. When we did get there I wasn't very happy about the £17 entry fee. 'Do you want to buy a show programme?' No thanks, not now I don't.
The weather for the day was supposed to be sunny, and I was not impressed with it towards the start of the day, but after a few spots of rain it brightened up, and I even took my jacket and cardigan off!

We saw lots of rabbits, goats and chickens, as you would expect from an agricultural show. I liked the animals and the flowers outside of the actual flower show (you had to pay to get in). The things I did not like: the strange men who sat around in little tents while their old farm machinery went round and round. What fun they must have been having!

Wednesday 27 May 2009


As the title would suggest, today we went to Cambridge.

There is a museum in Cambridge called the Fitzwilliam. There is some art there.

The hand (Palm I) is by David Begbie and the Cool dude is by Wu Wei-shan and is called Confucius.

I am tired now.

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Monday 25 May 2009

25th May

Just so I keep my promise, here is a photo that was actually taken yesterday.

This is Toby - my beautiful boyfriend! 

(A preview of good things to come!) 

And now for today! Bank holiday Monday... always doomed to rain! But not this time! It was lovely and sunny - perfect for a mini water fight. Today, we went to Tesco, because we like to argue and make old men look at us with disapproving faces. (Wine, Phish food and huge amount of desserts and puddings were also very important). We didn't do much arguing today in Tesco and our attempts were pretty rubbish. Oh well, maybe the sun had lulled us into being nice to each other for a change! 
Today also included planting sunflowers and getting punched in the eye. A pretty fun day all round I'd say! 

Now, I know this picture is soppy and lovey dovey but I don't care!  But hopefully the jumping picture will make up for it!

Sunday 24 May 2009

24th May

I haven't had time to take any pictures today... yet. So I will just tell you about the theatre last night.

The Theatre Royal in Bury St Edmunds is a Georgian theatre and has lately been refurbished to how it would have orginally have been. Every year (I think), the theatre produces a play to take on a Rural Tour of all the local villages. This year - Three Men In A Boat by Jerome K. Jerome - directed and adapted by Abigail Anderson.

My personal opinion is that is was very fun and light hearted and is definatley worth the entry fee. The acting was very good and I can definately see the directors style was similar to Twefth Night which was on at the theatre recently. I liked that the actors came into the audience before the play started and overall it involved just the right amount of audience participation. It didn't make anyone (apart from my dad) feel uncomfortable. It was a very fun evening out and you can sit back and appreciate the humour of the peice without having to think too much. Nice - if you're into escapism. My only criticism is just that! I'm not saying I didn't enjoy myself, or saying it was a bad peice of theatre - I just prefer something that I really have to think about. At times, it seemed like the actors were only doing things just to get more laughs out of the audience - which is fine, at least it worked. I guess being a Theatre Studies student has meant that I have had to study peices of theatre that are cathartic and have a message.
However, it was a very well acted, well directed peice which won't be forgotten by myself or anyone else who has seen it I'm sure.

Wow, this wasn't going to be a wordy blog. I can't resist giving my opinion on theatre! Maybe that's why being a theatre critic would be a very fun job.
Now for some pictures! Finally...

Saturday 23 May 2009


Finally, my lovely picture taking device has made it to my house. Everyone cheer!

Here are my first pictures with it...

The first one is in my kitchen. You can see the blackboard in the background which tells us how much our chicken eggs are worth at the moment.The next photo is of a plant in my room, given to me by a friend for my birthday. I have named him Herbert the Pervert.
The third one if of some geese crossing the road on the way to the theatre earlier. I tried to get out of the car to get a better photo but they were scary and hissing.
And the last one speaks for itself.

There are more, and a fun story and mini review of the play I went to see but that's for tomorrow, I feel. (If I can fit it in between the car boot, work, and other commitments)

So far, I'm doing quite well keeping this up to date. I'm proud of myself.

Night night.

Friday 22 May 2009


Yes, I'm still waiting! I really thought it was going to come today; I was very excited! I even phoned home in the middle of my last ever day at school to find out if it had came. When the answer of 'No' came, it almost ruined my day. ALMOST. It was pretty fun with the pranks and everything, even if the teachers are spoil sports!

So... what picture can I leave for my own amusement today?

This (will be) my camera. Wouldn't it be nice if someone came round with it now?

Thursday 21 May 2009

I'm going swimming

I'm not very good at it. Here is picture of me swimming.

(I am still waiting)

Wednesday 20 May 2009

20th May

Today, I'm giving you this. Not because I took it today but I did take it. (And my camera has not arrived yet, it's in packaging.)

It is a picture of a glass sculpture in Murano, an Island off the coast of Venice. Nice.

Tuesday 19 May 2009

An Update

So, after one post, let's just say I didn't get the blogging bug.
THEN! I had a marvellous idea, and here it is

I turn 18 and want to buy a new camera. Lets take at least one interesting picture a day and upload it to the internet, shall we? (I'm talking to myself)

Let's see if I ever bother to keep up to date with it...

I am ordering my camera tonight on because it seems the cheapest. I like ordering things on the internet. There is something very exciting about having bought something but not physically having it and waiting to receive it, all the time having the dread that it will come when someone isn't in the house and then you will have to drive all the way to the post office to finally be able to find out whether what you ordered is the right thing or not! It's a bit like being five again at Christmas.

So, while I am going through that complicated mix of emotions, I will leave you with this.

And all because I have been promised a trip to London to go see any show I want for my 18th. (I like birthdays, don't you?)